The Ultimate Boat Safety Guide
No matter if you're heading out on an inland lake in a pontoon boat, or pointing the bow at a cruiser towards the open ocean; every captain has the same basic responsibility to ensure safety and good boating practices for their vessel and crew. Although the requirements for boat ownership and operation may seem daunting at first, don't let that discourage you. Once you have all the paperwork out of the way, you can enjoy the freedom and joy that life on the water offers.
Register your boat
How to obtain a valid vessel certificate
Powerful vessels must be registered just like cars. You can do this with Coast Guard documentation or state registration in the country where the boat is used most. A state registration number will be given to the vessel once it is registered in your state. This number must be visible on the vessel's hull. The vessel's owner/operator must also have a valid Certificate of Number when the vessel is in use.
- You must read the numbers from left to right
- The background color must contrast with the numbers. For example, black numbers on white hulls.
- The validation sticker(s), must be within 6 inches of the registration number
- You cannot display any other numbers or letters in the vicinity.
Coast Guard federally document boats do not display a number on their exterior. However, some states require registration and numbers. But they must still have the boat name as well as the hailing port. Coast Guard documentation can be obtained if the boat is five ton or heavier and the owner of the boat is a U.S. Citizen. However, due to paperwork and potential delays most people choose the least complicated route and obtain state documentation. The Coast Guard's Guide To Federal Requirements For Recreational Boats provides a detailed explanation of all federal Coast Guard requirements.
Boat Safety Gear
The US Coast Guard requires that all boats carry basic safety equipment. These requirements vary depending on the length of your boat. Some states may have more stringent requirements. However, most boaters must have the equipment necessary for vessels less than 12 meters (39'4") at all times. Larger vessels will have different requirements. These include:
- Approved life jackets - One type I, II, III or V personal flotation device (also known as life jackets) per person plus one Type IV throwable device. PFDs should be easily accessible and must fit properly. Children must wear child-rated life jackets. In an emergency, the Type IV throwable device should be readily accessible.
- Visual Distress devices for day and night Minimum three days-use, three nights-use, or three combination flares. Non-pyrotechnic devices are available, such as an orange distress flag (for day-use) and an electronic flare (a USCG-approved emergency beacon lamp) for night-use.
- Flash Extinguisher You used to have to carry BI/BII extinguishers. However, the USCG changed its requirements in April 2022. Fire extinguishers now need to be labelled with the 5-B, 10-B and BI/BII labels. Boats built after 2018 are required to have extinguishers. Boats with a length of 26 feet or less must have at least one extinguisher, while boats between 26 and 40 feet require at least two.
- Sound Producing device A whistle or a horn (yelling does not count).
- Marine Sanitation Device - All vessels with heads must have an operational USCG-Certified Type I or II Marine Sanitation Device (MSD)
- Placards for Pollution Regulations -Oil discharge, MARPOL Trash placards should be prominently displayed.
- Ventilation - Required for gasoline-powered vessels built after August 1980. Boats must have natural ventilation and, in enclosed compartments, a permanent gasoline engine and starter must have a mechanical ventilation system (commonly known as the "blower")
Additional boating safety gear
The Coast Guard states that these are the minimum requirements and don't guarantee the safety of your vessel, or passengers. You can also carry the following equipment, which is optional but not required.
- Bailer Either a pump or a bucket.
- Pair of OarsA small vessel can have these oars to help maneuver in the event of an engine failure or in shallow water. An oar can also be used on larger vessels to reach out to people who are in the water.
- Anchor & Rode – The anchor should be the right size and weight for your vessel. The rode can either be rope, chain or a combination of both depending on the bottom. How to Anchor Your Boat Properly.
- A handheld GPS - In the event of a primary equipment failure, a waterproof GPS will be used to allow you to continue navigation safely and to relay vital position information in an emergency.
- First Aid Kit - If you are unable to help, unexpected injuries like a fish hook in your hand or coral scrapes on a foot could quickly ruin your fun day. If you plan to go on extended or offshore trips, make sure you have a basic kit and an extensive one.
- Tools Kit - This should include any special tools that you may need for your engine as well as basic spare parts like oil, sparkplug and fuel filters. Keep a copy of the engine manual on paper so that your electronic device is not contaminated by greasy fingerprints.
- VHF Radio- Although cellphone reception is often only a few miles away, a VHF radio is designed to work over longer distances and provide reliable ship-to-shore communication. The Coast Guard and other boaters keep a 24 hour monitor on Channel 16 so that help is always just a phone call away. Modern VHFs can also be used for Digital Selective Calling (DSC). If they are properly registered, they can transmit vital data such as your GPS location and details of your boat to you when you make an emergency phone call. To learn more, see Man Overboard Electronics : DSC Radios .
- Food & Water – Having some non-perishable food, such as cereal bars, and a few extra bottles water onboard will ensure that you have enough to last in an emergency.
- EPIRB An emergency position indicating radio beacon, or EPIRB is the best way to reach authorities in an emergency. These beacons can be used as an emergency call center and send out messages for up to 48 hours. Some of the more recent satellite messengers may be able to perform the same function. However, they do not contact the Coast Guard directly. They may need to relay your SOS through an emergency call center.
Basic Terms of Boating
Finding Your Sea Legs
Boating, like any other sport or leisure activity has a vocabulary of specific words and phrases. These unfamiliar words can appear to be jargon that has been used to create an exclusive, exclusive world. But this is not the case. These terms have been used for many centuries and are an important part of boating communication. To give an example, a marina calls to ask about a night berth. The Dockmaster then asks you for your LOA, beam, and draft. It sounds complicated, right?
They only need to know the length of the vessel (LOA), its maximum width (beam), and the minimum water depth (draft) in order to assign the dock location where the vessel can fit safely.
The Captain is only giving instructions to avoid collision. To avoid collision, he will continue his course. You should turn to your right (starboard), to avoid him. They will pass each other with their left (port) faces, just like cars on the highway. You will sound professional and keep yourself safe by knowing the correct terminology.
Boaters need to follow the same rules as car drivers. These rules are not only international but also internationally recognized. However, in some waterways additional rules may apply.
The International Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea or COLREGS, is a set of rules. They will explain everything, from who has the right of way when passing to what flags or lights indicate, and what those floating markers (red and green) mean. A Coast Guard-approved Introduction To Boating course will help you learn the rules of the water and the language of boating. Keep up-to date with the USCG Safety App. It is a requirement in many states that you take a basic boating safety class before operating a boat.
Planning your Trip and Creating a Float Plan
To ensure a smooth trip, there are a few things you should do before you push off the dock.
- Create a Route - Use your charts to plan your route. You should avoid any underwater hazards like shoals or wrecks. Check for safe anchorages and fuel stops if you plan to go out overnight.
- Get the Weather before you leave. This will help you avoid getting caught in unfavorable conditions. Many radio stations broadcast marine weather forecasts throughout the day.
- Fill up the Fuel Tank. This will allow you to travel farther and save you from being stuck in the water because of low fuel.
- Create a Float plan. A float plan simply describes where you intend to travel and how much time you will be out. It is shared with a trusted friend or relative. This way, if something goes wrong, someone on the shore will know to help.
Safe Boating Practices Underway
You have now registered your boat, have all the safety equipment required and know the Rules of the Road. Now it is time to discuss safe boating practices while you are underway.
Boating safety is dependent on your ability to understand and comprehend the USCG Navigation System. To ensure your safety on the water, it is essential to read the USCG booklet. This system prevents boats from colliding with one another and with other objects, such as rocks, sandbars and other unforeseeable man-made or natural hazards beneath the surface.
Outboard Engine Kill Switch (ECOS).
A kill switch is required for all outboard engines that produce more than 115 pounds thrust (a little less than three horses). The kill switch is also known as the ECOS (engine cut off switch) and is usually attached to a brightly colored lanyard. This lanyard pulls the switch from the outboard when it's too far away from the motor. They can also fall overboard. The kill switch stops the engine immediately after it is removed. This prevents the boat and any person in the water from being harmed by the spinning propeller.
Accepting "No Wake Zones"
Respecting "no wake zones" is another important safety protocol for boating. Wake is the wave behind your boat that occurs when you travel at high speed. No wake zone is an area in which boats must slow down to avoid creating large waves as they travel through the water.
Marinas, narrow channels, and residential areas are all common places where no wake zones have been posted. It is also polite to slow down to a zero wake speed when you are near an anchorage, entering and departing from a docking area, or whenever people are swimming near sensitive areas. Some areas also have speed limits.
Navigation Light Requirements
When boats are running between sunsets and sunrise, as well as during periods of reduced visibility like heavy rain or fog, they must display navigation lights. For vessels less than 12 meters, the following are minimum requirements:
- All Round White Light This light provides visibility from all angles. It can also be used as an anchor lamp when the side lights are not lit.
- Green (port) and Side Lights These lights face forward and can only be seen in a 121.5deg radius. This allows approaching vessels to see which direction you are traveling.
Alcohol and Boating
It is dangerous to boat under the influence
A boat equipped with an engine is a motorized vessel. The owner/operator of the vehicle is responsible. There are no legal boundaries on the ocean. However, there are laws that must be followed when it comes to driving and drinking.
The United States has no legal limit on the amount of blood alcohol that can be consumed by boaters. BUI (or boating while under the influence) is a Federal Offence that carries the same penalties and consequences as driving under the influences. Other state or local law enforcement officers may also charge boaters found intoxicated by Coast Guard officials.
Better boating safety equals better boating
A day on the boat is a great way to enjoy calm seas, open horizons, and wind in your hair. It's worth spending some time to prepare your boat and learn safe boating techniques so that you have a wonderful day on the water.
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