Scarab 215 Jetboat Review


There is a good chance you recall Sonny Crockett and Rico Tubbs speeding around Miami, FL, in a Scarab 38 KV during episodes of the TV show Miami Vice. Back in the day, the Scarab name was synonymous with lavish performance, style, and speed. These days the Scarab line was re-imagined into a line of high-performance jet ships. By all accounts, this new line of jets (including ships like the 165 Ghost, the 255 Jet Boat, and the jazzy 195 HO Impulse) has been a success, spurred on by a renaissance in water sports. A ride on the 215 Wake variant will make it apparent.

We ran the model which hints at a base price of just. You can find a trailer under $1,000, though dealers purchase the foundation 215 with one anyway. Models over the base configuration, like the 215 H.O. Impulse, include bigger engines and luxury packages, and also the Wake variant is specifically for all those water sports fans. Like its sister ships, the base 215 has an angled, chiseled look that emphasizes its DNA yet still retains a bit of stylish sophistication. 

The Scarab 215 has a pair of 150 HP four-stroke Rotax gas engines under the hood, mated to jet nozzles that were outboard. Like jet boats, acceleration on the 215 was thrilling, literally as we wound up to speed turning back us in our chairs for a couple seconds. The 215 also managed very nimbly, able to turn and burn in the sharp cornering maneuvers we put it all through. At wide-open throttle we ran up to the mid-40's and cruised in the mid-20's. 

Back at the pier we were reminded that many jet ships are as slippery as an eel in reverse, however after a few attempts we remembered to turn the wheel in the opposite direction of where we wanted the stern to move. Another thing worth comment is that jet ships of this kind tend to be loud, and the Scarab 215 is different. Its engine noise may get jarring after a time. This is not a boat designed for long passages, and people won't be operating the Scarab 215 for hours on end at full throttle. The platform and other deck areas are topped with foam decking, which can be comfortably easy on feet and knees that were discovered. We liked how Scarab place wet stowage right into the platform, too, making retrieving gear easy, and wake boards, skis in the water. Cushioning and upholstery indoors are top notch as would be the deck hardware. 

The main cockpit comes with a U-shaped sofa in the transom, which is converted into aft-facing seating at the swim platform by turning forward both or one swinging seat-backs. Up at the consoles we discovered two very sturdy and relaxing captain's chairs set supporting an elegant and effective wraparound windshield. The bow is comfortable, even though it low and we found it occasionally tossed a bit of spray on occupants in a chop. You might have discovered that we didn't mention a mind. It's not an omission, not one of those Scarab 215 versions have one.

In the day's end we felt as if Scarab has Hit the mark. It's quick comfortable, and ought to Satisfy many folks. If watersports are the Item or you need a little more luxury baked in, you can update to the 215 H.O., Either way, you are in for a ton of fun.

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