Put A Stop To Seasickness On Your Boat Trips


It is the enemy of boaters everywhere: the nauseous, lightheaded feeling that comes with being on the water. It can happen to anyone, even experienced mariners, so it is important to be aware of how to prevent and deal with seasickness.

Causes of seasickness

Seasickness is caused by a malfunction of the vestibular system within your inner ear that controls your balance. Vertigo, nausea and pale skin are some of the symptoms that can result from your brain not processing information from your inner ear and your eyes.

Avoid Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can cause you to feel weak and sick for hours. This is why it's important to not drink on boats or for at least a few days before you go. Drinking alcohol can dehydrate your body and cause you to feel sick.

Try herbal remedies

Two long-standing herbal remedies that can help reduce nausea from seasickness include peppermint and ginger. You can soothe your nausea by eating herbal teas or sucking on sweets with these flavors.

Focus On the Horizon

You may feel dizzy due to the boat's motion. Try looking at a fixed point in the sky and focusing your attention there. This will help your brain to reorient so you don't feel dizzy.

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