Don’t Leave The Dock Without These Essential Tools


If you've spent sufficient time on the water you are probably well conscious of the fact that our favorite pastime isn't easy on the wallet.

There's but one thing saltwater won't eventually corrode, and that is saltwater. In fact, many believe the term boat is actually an acronym for Break Out Another Thousand, since it sounds our spending never ends.

While it's obvious that you won't be performing an oil change or substituting a wiring harness in sea, there are lots of basic tools and spare parts which each boater must remain onboard. At the very least, a basic tool kit and a couple of spare parts may help you in getting home safely while simultaneously avoiding a costly call to Sea Tow.

Before we begin, remember that no matter which interface you call house or at which you ply your craft, then you must be familiar with your vessel's abilities as a way to conquer nearly obstacle that will unexpectedly arise. Now, you may be thinking to yourself,"If I break down into shallow water it won't be that big of a deal" You would be seriously incorrect.

Consider this very realistic situation. You have spent a vast majority of the large tide scouting the shallows and it's time to make a move ahead of the water melts the apartment.

You casually scale down from the poling system and crank the engine when for your surprise you get no reply. The next four hours you end up resting on the bottom, anticipating Sea Tow and the FWC to possibly write you a hefty fine for damaging the delicate ecosystem. If you only had a wire brush and crescent wrench handy to clean and tighten your corroded battery terminals you could have avoided a whole bunch of headaches -- and stored a couple hundred bucks.

Before selecting which tools to keep onboard it is important for each and every boater to keep in mind that preventative care goes a long way toward ensuring enjoyable days on the water.

From there, the range of tools you maintain onboard ought to be in direct correlation to the size of your boat, its mechanical methods, and the actions you plan on participating in. Additionally, it is imperative that you have any specialized tools which could be required to carry out a specific fix at sea.

Some bolts desire a distinctive shaped wrench, and without one your spare part may be left useless. For larger ships, a windlass-wrench and macerator pump crank are two must-have things never found in off-the-shelf tool collections. Fortunately, engine and equipment manufacturers often provide pre-packaged kits, which include the essential tools. Keep them not in your garage. And finally, we always advise that you mentally walk through every installation and adjustment you may need to create just to be certain that you have the essential products.

Together with basic resources, spare parts are also essential. When buying spare parts for your engine(s) or any other piece of equipment, make certain that you copy the exact model number. If you can, compare the spare pump, plug in, or hose into the original to make sure it is an specific replica.

Nothing can ruin a day on the water quicker than a mechanical failure, but having the appropriate tools and a couple of basic spare parts can save the day. Sure, if you are out to get a sunset booze cruise down the ICW, there's no need to bring a spare prop and prop wrench, however if you're headed into the beautiful Bahamas for the weekend, then that same spare brace may be your saving grace.

Essential Spare Parts 

  • Oil Filter
  • Gas Filter
  • Electric Connectors
  • Fuel Water Separators
  • Spark Plugs & Plug Wrench
  • Fuses
  • Battery
  • Gas lineup
  • Hose clamps
  • Propeller, cotter pins, hub nut and prop wrench

Crucial Tools

  • Wire Cutters
  • Wire Ties
  • Adjustable Wrenches
  • Assorted Screwdrivers
  • Hammer
  • Assorted Pliers
  • Tape (duct and electric )
  • Engine pull-start rope
  • 5200 Adhesive
  • WD-40
  • Anti-Corrosion Spray
  • LED Flashlight
  • Sockets
  • Wire Brush
  • Allen Wrenches
  • Strap Wrench
  • Snorkel Gear
  • Jumper Cable

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